Upon request we are running another flexibility workshop. It will be on Saturday 23rd May 2020 at 2pm. It will be a 90 minute workshop and the cost is £10 (or £9 for members).
We have previously held a workshop for the splits, and a workshop for backbends. This time we are combining the two and running a workshop focused on increasing flexibility in both the lower and upper body.
You do not have to be flexible to attend, quite the opposite actually. If you are tight in the hips and hamstrings, or the upper back and shoulders, then this workshop will suit you perfectly. Runners, cyclists, and desk workers will absolutely benefit from this.
There will be the opportunity to try half splits and full splits if you wish to but these will be offered as a progression so it will be completely optional. There will be some gentle backbends, and once again there will be the option to progress if you so wish.
As always this workshop is suitable for all levels.
To book head to the booking page. For questions, get in touch.
See you on the mat!
