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Online Yoga Workshops

Briony Kate

Following the success of Saturday's arm balance workshop, we have decided to offer weekly yoga workshops through zoom.

The next workshop will be on Saturday 18th April at 2pm. This workshop will be focusing on back-bends. The workshop will be slow and suitable for all levels, with the options for advancements for more experienced yogis. We will be working on flexibility in the spine, the chest and the shoulders, and there will also be some core work to protect the spine.

The following week will be a splits workshop, on Saturday 25th April 2pm. Although the focus of this workshop will be preparatory stretches to work towards the splits, this workshop will be suitable for anybody who wants to gain more flexibility in the lower body. This means that it will be suitable for all levels and again there will be optional advancements.

Saturday 2nd May at 2pm will be a balance workshop. We will be building strength in the core and lower body and practicing a variety of different balances. We will be exploring different ways to enter these balancing postures, and tips and techniques to hold the postures.

We will be repeating the arm balance workshop on Saturday 9th May at 2pm for anyone who wants to have another go or missed it first time around. This workshop focuses on flexibility, core and shoulder strength, and then we will have a go at some arm balances. Expect a strong workout!

You will need a yoga mat, some blocks (two similar sized hardback books will work), a bolster or pillow, and a strap (a belt or a dressing gown cord will work fine).

All workshops will be 90 minutes and the cost is £10. To book onto a course then please send your £10 payment to "" detailing which workshop you want to book in the reference box.

The workshops will be hosted through zoom. The zoom ID is 243 825 0956 and the password is 002767.

We are still running the weekly yoga classes on Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 10am. All levels are welcome and the zoom details are as above. The cost for these is £4 payable through paypal to "". Come along to work on strength, flexibility, and relaxation. You don't have to be local to Bristol to attend these online classes, they are open to all!

See you on the mat.

Online yoga class with Clifton Sky Yoga


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