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July Update

Briony Kate

As you will be aware, indoor yoga is still not permitted however I do not intend to run outdoor classes at this time. This means that not much is changing for my online classes!

A refresher of the weekly zoom timetable:

Sunday 10am-11am - Energising Flow

Stretch out the body and get the blood pumping with this powerful class.

Sunday 8pm-9pm - Restorative

Bring a blanket and some pillows, prepare for a deep relaxation.

Wednesday 7pm-8pm - Slow Stretch

Release tension in the whole body, perfect for runners, cyclists, desk workers.

Saturday 11.15am-12.45pm - Workshops

4th July - Upper Body Strength

11th July - Lower Body Flexibility

18th July - Lower Body Strength

25th July - Upper Body Flexibility

The pricing is as follows:

Drop In

Pay as you go prices are £5/class and £10/workshop.

£20/month Membership

One class a week and 30% off workshops (£7.50/workshop).

£30/month Membership

Unlimited classes and 50% off workshops (£5/workshop).

£50/month Membership

Unlimited classes and unlimited workshops.

For drop in classes and workshops just head to the booking page here.

For memberships, send your payment through paypal to "" (or contact me if you prefer bank transfer) and jump on to the zoom calls using the usual details. If you don't have the details then you can find them here.

If you have any questions then just get in touch!

Yoga teacher sitting in a yoga pose in Bristol


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